It’s me, MV.
Well since everyone and their freaking brother will be writing these end of year thingies I thought I’d write one too.
As you all know it’s been a banner year for the Captain. His end of year point total is just phenomenal and it will be a long time before anyone approaches his greatness. I am proud to have played a small part in helping him achieve his goals. We’re looking forward to the New Year starting in Kooyang in January.
The Captain has taken his UN ambassadorship seriously and here are some pictures of him in India. We have seriously fallen in love with Asia and its many different cultures. Knowing the Captain I have to make sure I check myself in the mirror to make sure I don’t have any dot’s on my forehead from now on. My taste buds are finally back to normal thank you very much for asking. Needless to say wasabi is not a staple in our home.
I recently spoke with PY. He was bored silly in the Maldives or some place he was at the time. He said something about the little piranha not liking all the attention he gets but I’m not sure what fish would care that he’s got his own cult following. He said he’s been told no more blouses or body armour. He has to wear plain tees and jeans. He also said since they didn’t mention what color the tees have to be he’s stocked up on cyan, fuchsia, and lime greens as well as pastels. He’s favoring baby blues and pinks with deep vee necks. He’s been working out and he hopes his fans like what they see next year. He’s staying away from white. Too butch he said. Black is part of his new year wardrobe as well.
He’s also found some jeans that he’s sure his fans will like seeing on him. He mentioned something about the corrida but the phone line suddenly had a lot of static on it and I couldn’t understand it.
I have to admit that when I called him it was because I was just sooo upset. As you know PY and myself are the heads of the tennis WAG’s and as such we get to say who is in style and who is not. Imagine our surprise when Mother Russia sent e-mails out to the effect that she in now in the running for head WAG. Who nominated her sorry arse? The cue ball she married? Even the piranha has better hair sense.
I’m glad to report that PY agrees with me. He said he was appalled when he saw the get up Mother Russia wore to her wedding. I had to remind him that Mother Russia was the one in the ermine trim not the one in the suit that was at least two sizes too big. He then went on a ten minute rant about Mad Max and the yellow suit that was also two sizes too big. I gently guided him back to the subject at hand.
PY wanted to know if the cue ball was marrying his mother. I told him that was illegal in most countries and besides she was a young woman although it was hard to tell. HF PY had one word for her wedding dress – tackkk-ayyy. She looked like she should be selling potatoes from a stall at a market in a small village he said which made me spit out the Tandoori chicken I was eating at the time. I told him he should have respect for other people’s culture and that maybe her outfit had cultural significance. There was silence for a few seconds before HF PY managed to say “whatever”.
We did manage to get a few days shopping in and I totally enjoyed Paris. We visited “The Triangle d'Or” – The Golden Triangle the neighborhood consisting of Avenue Montaigne, Avenue George V, and Rue Francois 1er near the Champs Elysées.
Dior, Chanel, Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Lancôme, Givenchy, Cartier and Yves Saint Laurent all have flagship stores here. The big-name designers also dominate the shops on Avenue George V, whilst no lover of fashion should overlook the Galeries Lafayette and Au Printemps, two of the city's top department stores on the Right Bank of the Seine. For some reason Patricia wanted to hang out in H&M but we dragged her out. She was kicking and screaming because she wanted this skirt she saw for under twenty euros that who knows how many polyesters sacrificed their lives to create. We invited the Piranha but she wanted to hang out in the boys section for god only knows what reason. We lost her in H&M and headed with a reluctant Patricia to the Yves Saint Laurent shop.
We also visited a La Perla store. Funny, that same woman who looks like the ex American First Lady was there with her friend. She called her Mrs. Ford while she was trying to convince her to buy a pair of lacy pale blue crotch less unmentionables. PY bought two pair in every color. For the Piranha he said. Mrs. Ford went to H&M and ended up with a couple of boxes of cotton briefs. Seems she and the Piranha met each other in that section of the store since HF PY let it slip that the Piranha had bought several boxes of cotton briefs as well and that she had met Mrs. Ford who seemed to be a nice lady. He quickly went back to discussing Patricia when I asked about all those La Perla’s though.
HF PY (thanks to whomever gave him that honorific since it’s how he wants to be addressed now) and I were reliving moments spent shopping when the Piranha came in.
She needed HF PY to pose with her in a photo shoot showing how they were just the normal couple in love who have pillow fights and gaze into each others eyes. I was too polite to mention they’d done that already. Seems she’s annoyed that not too many people took her side in not showing up for her country’s sports award ceremony. HF PY told me that she felt she evened the score since they voted her fourth last year. I thought it was all about winning but he said that she feels this second chance thing is a bunch of crap. I politely refrained from comment.
I should mention that the Captain had the ceilings redone. I can’t for the life of me figure out why he did it but he seems perfectly happy with it. I guess I don’t get it because I sleep on my tummy while he tends to sleep on his back. One day I’m going to have to take a really good look at that ceiling.
Happy New Year to all of you, my fans, and The Captains as well. HF PY is talking about starting his own blog in 2007.
Mariya said...
That's a nice blog miss MV, but how dare you disclose such private conversations? Now you are going to get me in trouble with the lovely, wonderful,Irina. How dare you say bad things about her. And same for my lovely, wonderful, sweet-as-cake wife. Who made you co-chair of WAGS, anyway? I like to be the one and only que..King!
You can be a my consiglieri, though, but stricly unofficial. Vic's rules.
Oh, and shopping was FUN. I love my LV purse!!! But you shouldn't have disclosed my color selections for next year. I am SO tired of all the WAGS copying me every year, they are just cramping up my style.
Happy holidays to you and the Cap.
(P.S. For your eyes only:
Sorry, I just had to talk the Piranha and MR up, because, well, sleeping with a predator is dangerous, and MR, she just looks like she can take me and you both down.)
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